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Available Command Line Options:The following is a brief description of the command line options that are available. This information can also be displayed by using the '-h' or '-?' options on the command line. Please be aware that at the current time the username, password and database type must be supplied. If a MySQL database is used you must also supply the database name option.Program Version: x.x.x Command line usage for: ./linksysactivity linksysactivity -u <username> -p <password> -t <database type> [other desired/required options] -v: prints version number -?: prints this quick command line reference -h: prints this quick command line reference -u <username>: username to use for database connection -p <password>: password to use for database connection -t <type>: database type (mysql) -H <machine name>: hostname with database -n <database name>: name of database (REQUIRED for mySQL) -P <port number>: port to use to connect to database -o: include outbound connections in log data -d: log to /var/log/linksys.log in DShield format. Use their linksys perl script for submission. |