Linksys Activity Logger - Logger Usage

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Logger Usage
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Linksys Activity Logger is broken into two parts:  the logger which recieves and permanently saves the log messages (usually in a database), and the web front end which allows you to view the data.

This section of the documentation covers the first part, the logger.  This part of the application can be left running 24x7 so that every log message sent by the router is logged.  It is also typically used write the log messages to a database.  The examples provided here will show you some of the more common usages of the logger.


This will probably be one of the most often used capabilties of the logger.  Using the logger with MySQL will log all received SNMP messages to a MySQL database.  Once logged, you can use the web front end to view, query and otherwise manipulate the data.

The following is a typical example of using the logger to log to MySQL with the required command line options to make it happen:
linksysactivity -u linklogger -p linklogger -t mysql -n linklogger
The options used in this example tell the logger that it is connecting to a MySQL database (-t), to connect as the user 'linklogger' (-u), use the password 'linklogger' (-p) and the database it is using is called 'linksys' (-n).

By default this will log ONLY inbound connections, meaning that it will ignore connections you initiate to the outside world.  Only connections coming from a machine outside of your network will be logged.  To log connections going in both directions, add the '-o' option which will cause the logger to save outbound connections.

Oracle v9i

The application currently supports Oracle version 9i.  Due to differences between MySQL and Oracle, the table creation script is different and requires a trigger to create the unique ID number for each record.  Refer to the create_oracle.sql script for information on what needs to be set up.

I have not had time yet to verify that all of the parameters in the example below are needed, which can be specified by enviroment variables, whether environment variables are needed, etc.  For right now I recommend making sure all of the proper Oracle environment variables are set (ORACLE_HOME, LD_LIBRARY_PATH (or set in /etc/ in Linux), ORACLE_SID or TWO_TASK as needed).

The following is a typical example of using the logger to log to Oracle with the required command line options to make it happen:
linksysactivity -u linklogger -p linklogger -t oracle -n orcl -H host.with.database -P 1521
The options used in this example tell the logger that it is connecting to an Oracle database (-t), to connect as the user 'linklogger' (-u), use the password 'linklogger' (-p) and the database it is using is called 'orcl' (-n) (Oracle SID).  The hostname of the machine with the database is also supplied using the '-H' option (note the capital 'H', not  lowercase).